Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brockenhurst College lunch New Year

The above lunch will be held on Tuesday 5th February 2008 (subject to college curriculum)
I now have 40 people (listed below) which is the maxium number the college will cater for. I intend to start a reserve list so if any one else is interested please get in touch with me tel:02380292032 or via e-mail Also if any body wishes to cancel. I realise that this is very early but the college gets booked up because it is such good value.

1. Sally Barrett
3. Richard & Phil Barrett
5. John & Sheila Benfield
7. Ray & Margaret Bishop
8. Betty Bradley
10. David & Bridget Butcher
11. Barbara Crabb
12. Teresa Drayton
14. Bill & Joan Edmunds
15. Mike Grainger
17. Jim & Elaine Harrod
18. Rusty Hodinott
19. Julie Horseman
20. Sue Hucker
21. Marie Lane
22. Doreen Luptan
24. Brian & Pat Osbourne
26. Michael & Jane Page
27. Kath Perks
29. Roy & Patricia Pennicott
31. Jack & Joan Read
32. Pam Roberts
33. Kathleen Thorn
34. Joan Underwood
35. Liz Taylor
37. Dave & Molly Watts
38. Lilly Weeks
39. Rona White
40. Pam Rees


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